Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) Project Application for Funding Form
1. Descriptive Project Name:
Вистычи – территория здоровья. Формирование здорового образа жизни
населения деревни Вистычи путем продолжения целенаправленной профилактической
работы по воспитанию у учащихся школы и населения деревни личной ответственности за собственное
здоровье, формирование потребности в соблюдении правил здорового образа
жизни, правильного питания. Ценностное отношение к своему здоровью и
организму, формирование навыков правильного питания и ведению здорового
образа жизни. |
2. Location of Proposed Project (City/village, District/State, Country/Territory):
Ул. Центральная, 4 деревня
Вистычи, Брестский район, Брестская область, Республика Беларусь. |
Государственное учреждение
образования «Средняя школа д. Вистычи» |
3. Name of applicant organization/group:
Криштапович Наталья Викторовна,
директор школы |
Ул. Центральная, 4 деревня
Вистычи, Брестский район, Брестская область, индекс 225031, Республика
Беларусь. |
8 0162 576629 +375 29 798 10 35 |
Phone/Fax: |
website, Facebook, and Twitter account (if available): |
4. Please provide details on the legal status of the applicant organization/institution in the country of operation. Please include proof of your legal status when submitting the application for funding (e.g. scanned copy of registration).
Is local government authorization/approval required
for implementation of planned activities?
If yes, please
5. Brief description of the
applicant organization/group: (Maximum 150 words)
Государственное учреждение образования «Средняя
школа д. Вистычи». В школе обучается 260 детей. С 2014 года в школе
реализуются профилактические проекты «Здоровый поселок», «Школа-территория
здоровья», проводятся традиционные мероприятия в рамках данных проектов. С
сентября 2022 года реализуется проект «Папа-школа» при поддержке местного
территориального центра. |
6. Past Experience:
Have you previously received funding from the Canada Fund for
Local Initiatives (CFLI) or other Government of Canada programs? If yes, please
indicate the year, brief project description and amount received.
Has your organization or group implemented any other relevant
projects? If yes, please indicate the year, brief project description, amount
received and the source of funding.
7. Type of organization/group:
8. Women’s rights organization: Note:
this information is gathered for statistical purposes only and will not affect
your eligibility for funding.
Are you a civil society organization active at the
grassroots, national, regional or international level, with a primary focuson gender equality and women/girls’ rights advanced through a variety of
activities, including advocacy and policy dialogue, awareness-raising, service
provision, research, and networking?
9. Human Rights/ Inclusive Governance
organization: Note: this information is gathered for
statistical purposes only and will not affect your eligibility for funding.
Are you a civil society organization active at the grassroots, national,
regional or international level, that advocate for the promotion and protection
of human rights, equitable access to a functioning justice system, enhanced
participation in public life, and/or public services that work for everyone?
1. Context:
Describe the region
and community where the project will be implemented. (Maximum
150 words)
Брестский район, Бресткая область, Республика Беларусь, Государственное
учреждение образования «Средняя школа д. Вистычи», население деревни Вистычи насчитывает
780 человек. |
What is the primary issue (problem)
this project is seeking to address? (Maximum 150 words)
Большинство школьников очень мало
знают о своем теле, об особенностях его строения и функциях, о здоровье и о
правильном питании как главной ценности человека. Из-за отсутствия элементарных
знаний молодые люди совершают множество ошибок. К сожалению, очень часто эти ошибки
становятся роковыми. Чем раньше у подростка сформируется осознанная
необходимость заботиться о своем здоровье, тем здоровее будет каждый конкретный
человек и общество в целом. На это и направлена деятельность проекта Вистычи
– территория здоровья. |
2. Explanation
of the project:
What is the goal
of the project and what are the expected long-term results? (Maximum 300 words)
Повышение престижности и ценности
здоровья, как фактора жизнестойкости, успешности, активного долголетия. Организация
правильного питания подростков. Улучшение показателей физических данных
детей, достижение высоких результатов в спортивной деятельности на уровне
района, области, республики. Повышение уровня знаний населения по основным
факторам риска для здоровья. |
What are the main project activities and the
immediate expected results? Please,
complete the table below:
Activity |
Details (description of an activity) |
Activity Time frame |
Immediate Results |
направление |
Организация правильного и здорового питания, которое
будет соответствовать возрастным особенностям детей |
Сентябрь 2023 – май 2024 |
Снижение рисков
развития различных заболеваний |
направление |
Тематические классные часы, внеклассные мероприятия,
игры, конкурсы, викторины, спортивные соревнования. |
Сентябрь 2023– май 2024 |
Увеличение числа лиц
оказавшихся от употребления алкоголя и табакокурения, повышение доли учащихся,
активно ведущих здоровый образ жизни |
Проведение традиционных школьных мероприятий День туриста, Тренинги Папа-школа, семинары
для педагогов, родителей, детей по теме «Здоровый образ жизни», фестивали
здоровья, игры, лекции с привлечением медицинских работников. |
День туриста сентябрь 2023 День здоровья «Зимние забавы» январь 2024 Традиционная матчевая встреча по волейболу февраль 2024 Малые олимпийские игры в д. Вистычи март 2024 Акция «Здоровый поселок» апрель 2024 День здоровья «День игры» май 2024 |
Повышение мотивации к
двигательной деятельности, здоровому образу жизни, , достижению наилучшей физической формы и самосовершенствованию учащихся,
организация досуга учащихся с пользой.
Describe any possible effects (positive or negative) the
project may have on the natural environment. (Maximum
150 words)
Формирование ценностного отношения к своему
здоровью и организму, к формированию навыков правильного питания и ведению
здорового образа жизни, воспитанию у учащихся трудолюбия, предприимчивости и
ответственности. (Акции, экологические турниры, игры, викторины, создание
экологической тропы в д. Вистычи) |
3. Advocacy Plan:
Describe your advocacy
plan for the project. How are you going to raise awareness about your project,
including Canada’s contribution, using traditional and social media? Please complete the table below:
Communication Medium |
Number of Items |
Timeframe |
Planned audience |
Местное СМИ |
Публикации в СМИ 1 раз в месяц (будем
отмечать канадское посольство |
Сентябрь 2023 – август
2024 |
Сайт нашего учреждения образования |
1 раз в месяц (будем отмечать
канадское посольство |
Сентябрь 2023 – август
2024 |
Игстаграмм |
1 раз в неделю (будем
отмечать канадское посольство) |
Сентябрь 2023 – август
2024 |
4. Thematic Priority: Please check one thematic priority only.
5. Sub-theme:Please check one sub-themethat further describes your project. Note: Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls
should NOT be selected as a
sub-theme if already selected as the Thematic Priority.
Freedom of
Speech/Press |
6. Beneficiaries
and Participants: Note: Fund recipients will be required to track age and
gender-disaggregated beneficiary data (e.g.: number of women/girls over and
under 18 years of age; number of men/boys over and under 18 years of age).
учреждение образования «Средняя школа д. Вистычи», в лице директора школы
Who (men, boys, women, girls, civil society organizations,
journalists etc.) will benefit from the project and where are they located?
Проект Вистычи –
территория здоровья принесет пользу для каждого учащегося школы, родителей,
жителей д. Вистычи |
Were anticipated project beneficiaries consulted on the project design?
Please explain. (Maximum 150 words)
Will project beneficiaries
continue to be engaged on the issue after the completion of the project?
Please explain. (Maximum 150 words)
С целью формирования здорового образа жизни
населения Брестского района, продолжения целенаправленной профилактической
работы по воспитанию у населения личной ответственности за собственное
здоровье, формированию потребности в соблюдении правил здорового образа жизни
и сознательно отказе от вредных привычек, в агрогородке Вистычи реализуется
профилактический проект «Здоровый поселок», что созвучно с направлениями
работы ГУО «Средняя школа д. Вистычи», ориентированной на формирование
культуры здорового образа жизни. |
7. Gender-Based Analysis (GBA): Note: inadequate completion of this section may affect the
consideration of your project. Ensure that all questions are addressed in a
detailed and meaningful way. You may wish to consult the Applicant’s Guide for
completing a GBA (available from the Canadian Embassy).
Gender equality means that
diverse groups of women, men, girls and boys, and gender-diverse people are
able to participate and contribute to all spheres of life. Canada’s feminist
approach to foreign policy requires that our international assistance be
informed by a gender-based analysis that includes evidence of meaningful
consultations with women and/or girls before a project begins. Canada’s
approach also recognizes that other aspects of identity such as religion, race,
and socio-economic class, may contribute to how individuals experience the
problem the project is seeking to address.
Gender-based analysis
examines the potential impacts of projects on diverse groups of women and men,
girls and boys. It identifies the varied roles played by women and men,
girls and boys in the household, community, workplace, political process, and
economy. These different roles usually result in women having less
control and access to resources and decision making processes than men.
How are women, men, boys and girls affected differently by
the problem your project is seeking to address? (Maximum
150 words)
Проект «Вистычи – территория здоровья» предполагает
гендерное равенство, в реализации всех мероприятий будет участвовать каждый
учащийся, независимо от возраста, социального статуса, с обязательным привлечением
родителей учащихся. |
How do other identities (religion, sexuality, age, ethnicity,
socio-economic class etc.) of women, men, boys, and girls play into their
experiences of the problem? (Maximum 150 words)
Все учащиеся с огромным удовольствием и энтузиазмом готовы принимать
участие в данном проекте, особенно в спортивных мероприятиях. |
Were women and/or girls consulted on
the project design? Note: consultations can include, but are not limited
to: speaking to women and/or girls from the local community; speaking to women
and other individuals who work for civil society organizations that have worked
in the local community; speaking to female and male decision and change-makers
who have knowledge of the local community.
Please explain. (Maximum 150 words)
Все жители, в частности девочки и
женщины активно поддерживают реализацию нашего проекта «Вистычи – территория
здоровья» |
How have the findings from your gender-based analysis shaped
the project design? (Maximum 150 words)
Так как все местные жители и учащиеся нашей школы активно поддерживают
проект «Вистычи – территория здоровья», организаторы данного проекта
стремятся к полной реализации и выполнению поставленных задач. |
8. Risk Matrix: (Please fill out the following table)
consult Annex B for the definition of terms contained in the risk matrix.
of Risk |
Description |
Impact on Project |
Likelihood |
Response |
Choose from the list below. (Select all that apply) |
Describe each risk(s) in two sentences maximum |
how the risk(s) could affect the implementation of the project in two
sentences maximum |
How likely is/are the risk(s) to occur? |
What will you do to respond to this/these risk(s)
(in order to lower its potential impact and/or likelihood of occurrence)? |
Choose an item. |
Choose an item. |
Choose an item. |
Choose an item. |
Внешие факторы (
эпидемиалогичская ситуация, связанная с распространением Covid19) |
Choose an item. |
Переносить сроки мероприятий, применять дистанционные
формы работы |
Choose an item. |
9. Monitoring and Evaluation of Project:
How will the
organization measure outcomes? Does the proposed budget account for the monitoring
and evaluation of the proposed project? (Maximum 150
10. Simplified Project Budget: CAD
Does Canada’s contribution represent the
whole of the project’s expenses?
Note: An “in-kind contribution” represents a
non-monetary contribution (e.g. goods or services).
Please specify the source(s) of other
funding (e.g. local government,
foundation, etc.):
Does this project span one (1) or two (2) years?
Please outline the proposed budget by
activity type, indicating all possible funding sources per activity. Note:
if the proposed project is selected for further consideration, a more detailed
budget will be requested.
Please consult Annexe C for budget examples.
Type of expense |
Contribution by Canada |
Contribution by
Recipient |
Contribution by others |
Total |
Приобретение технологического оборудования
для школьного пищеблока, с целью приготовления разнообразной и здоровой пищи
для учащихся, приобретние бытовой техники, столовых приборов, посуды, мебели |
$7,000 |
спортивного комплекса уличных тренажеров и обустройство спортивной площадки
на территории школы |
$9,000 |
информационной кампании «МЫ за ЗОЖ», (
закупка материалов, оргтехники, поощрительные сувениры и подарки для детей и
родителей |
$3,500 |
Расходы на информационно-пропагандитскую деятельность, коммуникацию и распространение
информации, расходы на публикации и плата за радио - телевизионное вещание |
$1,000 |
$20,500 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Type of expense |
Contribution by
Canada |
Contribution by
Recipient |
Contribution by
others |
Total |
Year |
One |
Two |
One |
Two |
One |
Two |
One |
Two |
Final |
11. Do you have an organizational bank account? Where is the bank located? (Please note that we cannot transfer the contribution to individual bank accounts or handle cash).
……Да, есть.………………………………………………………………………………….
12. If shortlisted, you will have to add the following information:
- Who
will be the person signing the Contribution Agreement
Криштапович Наталья
Викторовна, директор школы
- Who
will be the project manager, and working contact with the CFLI Coordinator
Криштапович Наталья
Викторовна, директор школы
- Who
will be your contact dealing with project budget / accountant
- Криштапович Наталья Викторовна, директор школы
- Would somebody from your organization be available for a meeting in Warsaw.
Proposal Prepared by: (More than one name may be given, if desired.)
Name: Криштапович
Наталья Викторовна
Position/Title: …директор школы…………………………….
E-mail address: ……………………………
Date (yyyy-mm-dd): ……17/08/2031………………
Annex A
Eligible Costs
following expenses within projects are eligible for CFLI funding:
● accounting costs,
● administrative and overhead
costs related to the project (overhead should not exceed 15% of total CFLI
● advocacy and lobbying related costs,
● capital and/or operating expenditures related to the lease and/or
purchase and/or building of infrastructure,
● civic education costs,
● conference and event expenditures,
● costs of services received by recipients,
● domestic travel expenses (using low fares),
● environmental assessment costs,
● facilities and equipment rental charges,
● hospitality costs, excluding alcoholic beverages,
● installation, maintenance, shipping and/or transportation costs,
including fuel, computers and communication devices,
● lease or rental of vehicles,
● legal costs,
● medical costs,
● miscellaneous expenses integral
to the project,
● outreach, communication and information dissemination costs,
● publishing costs,
● radio and television broadcast fees,
● research-related costs,
● salary costs relating to the project,
● security costs,
● training and capacity building expenditures,
● translation and interpretation fees,
● vehicle and equipment operation, installation and/or maintenance,
● website development and related costs.
The following expenses within projects are NOTeligible for CFLI funding:
● assistance
to military or paramilitary organizations,
● direct
fiscal support to a government,
● core
● expenses
incurred prior to the signing of the CA, or after it expires,
● nuclear
technologies and facilities,
● gifts,
● luxury
Annex B
Risk Assessment
*Risk Categories
1) External: Potential risks related to
socio-economic or political circumstances beyond the control of the
implementing entity. For example: civil war or political instability, systemic
gender discrimination, lack of infrastructure.
2) Financial:
Potential risks related to funding, misuse/mismanagement of funds or fraud. For
example, currency fluctuations which reduce the amount of funding available for
the project in the local currency.
3) Operational:
Potential risks related to the internal capacity of the implementing entity.
For example, not having sufficient staff with the right skills to carry out the
4) Safety and Security: Potential risks
related to the safety and security of the recipient or beneficiaries by
implement this project. For example: state surveillance, hostile environment
for human rights defenders.
5) Timeframe: Potential
risks related to delays in the
implementation of the project affecting the achievement of outcomes. For example: regulatory delays, seasonal
delays (e.g. rainy season).
**Likelihood Categories
High Likelihood: Risk
is very probable/certain.
Medium Likelihood: There
is a probable chance that the risk will manifest.
Low Likelihood: There is a remote to improbable chance that the risk will manifest.
Budget Example
Activity or Type of Expense |
Contribution by Canada |
Contribution by Recipient |
Contribution by others |
Total |
6 capacity building sessions for women in each of the 6 villages this project
addresses (purchase of materials, room rental, accommodation, facilitator
fees) |
$9,500 |
0 |
$5,000 |
$14,500 |
the "No to Violence Against The Girl-Child" advocacy campaign
(purchase materials, campaign development, web design, launch event fees) |
$9,700 |
0 |
0 |
$9,700 |
(project administration and coordination cost) |
$5,500 |
0 |
0 |
$5,500 |
2 Awareness/ Dialogue
sessions for leaders of the 6 villages
this project addresses (purchase of materials, consultant, facilitator, room
rental fees) |
$500 |
0 |
$700 |
$1,200 |
$25,200 |
0 |
$5,700 |
$30,900 |
Activity or Type of Expense |
Contribution by Canada |
Contribution by Recipient(s) |
Contribution by others |
Total |
Year |
One |
Two |
One |
Two |
One |
Two |
One |
Two |
Final |
Conducting 6 capacity building sessions for women in
each of the 6 villages this project addresses (purchase of materials, room
rental, accommodation, facilitator fees) |
$9,500 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
$5,000 |
0 |
$14,500 |
0 |
$14,500 |
Developing the "No to Violence Against The
Girl-Child" advocacy campaign (purchase materials, campaign development,
web design, launch event fees) |
$9,700 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
$9,700 |
0 |
$9,700 |
Salaries (project administration and coordination
cost) |
$3,500 |
$2,000 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
$3,500 |
$2,000 |
$5,500 |
Conducting 2 Awareness/ Dialogue sessions for leaders of the 6 villages this project addresses
(purchase of materials, consultant, facilitator, room rental fees) |
0 |
$500 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
$700 |
0 |
$1,200 |
$1,200 |
$22,700 |
$2,500 |
0 |
0 |
$5,000 |
$700 |
$27,700 |
$3,200 |
$30,900 |
Canada Fund for Local
Initiatives (CFLI) Project Application for Funding Form A) APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Descriptive Project Name: Vistychi is a health area. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of the
population of the village of Vistychi by continuing targeted preventive work
to educate school students and the population of the village of personal
responsibility for their own health, the formation of the need to comply with
the rules of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. Value attitude to your
health and body, formation of skills of proper nutrition and healthy
lifestyle. 2. Location of Proposed Project (City/village, District/State, Country/Territory): 4,Tsentralnaya
str., village Vistychi, Brest district, Brest region,
Republic of Belarus. State
educational institution “Vistychi Secondary school” 3. Name of applicant organization/group: Contact
Person Natalya
Krishtapovich , headmaster Name/Title: 4,Tsentralnaya
str., village Vistychi, Brest district, Brest region, index
225031, Republic of Belarus. Proposal Prepared by: (More than one name may be given, if desired.) Name: Natalia Krishtapovich………………………………………. ………………………………………. Position/Title: … headmaster……………………………. ……………………………. E-mail address: …………………………… Date (yyyy-mm-dd): ……17/08/2023……………… Annex A Eligible Costs The
following expenses within projects are eligible for CFLI funding: ● accounting costs, ● administrative and overhead
costs related to the project (overhead should not exceed 15% of total CFLI
contribution), ● advocacy and lobbying related costs, ● capital and/or operating expenditures related to the lease and/or
purchase and/or building of infrastructure, ● civic education costs, ● conference and event expenditures, ● costs of services received by recipients, ● domestic travel expenses (using low fares), ● environmental assessment costs, ● facilities and equipment rental charges, ● hospitality costs, excluding alcoholic beverages, ● installation, maintenance, shipping and/or transportation costs,
including fuel, computers and communication devices, ● lease or rental of vehicles, ● legal costs, ● medical costs, ● miscellaneous expenses integral
to the project, ● outreach, communication and information dissemination costs, ● publishing costs, ● radio and television broadcast fees, ● research-related costs, ● salary costs relating to the project, ● security costs, ● training and capacity building expenditures, ● translation and interpretation fees, ● vehicle and equipment operation, installation and/or maintenance, ● website development and related costs. The following expenses within projects are NOTeligible for CFLI funding: ● assistance
to military or paramilitary organizations, ● direct
fiscal support to a government, ● core
funding. ● expenses
incurred prior to the signing of the CA, or after it expires, ● nuclear
technologies and facilities, ● gifts, ● luxury
goods, Annex B Risk Assessment *Risk Categories 1) External: Potential risks related to
socio-economic or political circumstances beyond the control of the
implementing entity. For example: civil war or political instability, systemic
gender discrimination, lack of infrastructure. 2) Financial:
Potential risks related to funding, misuse/mismanagement of funds or fraud. For
example, currency fluctuations which reduce the amount of funding available for
the project in the local currency. 3) Operational:
Potential risks related to the internal capacity of the implementing entity.
For example, not having sufficient staff with the right skills to carry out the
project. 4) Safety and Security: Potential risks
related to the safety and security of the recipient or beneficiaries by
implement this project. For example: state surveillance, hostile environment
for human rights defenders. 5) Timeframe: Potential
risks related to delays in the
implementation of the project affecting the achievement of outcomes. For example: regulatory delays, seasonal
delays (e.g. rainy season). **Likelihood Categories High Likelihood: Risk
is very probable/certain. Medium Likelihood: There
is a probable chance that the risk will manifest. Low Likelihood: There
is a remote to improbable chance that the risk will manifest. Annex C Budget Example ONE FISCAL YEAR Activity or Type of Expense Contribution by Canada Contribution by Recipient Contribution by others Total Conducting
6 capacity building sessions for women in each of the 6 villages this project
addresses (purchase of materials, room rental, accommodation, facilitator
fees) $9,500 0 $5,000 $14,500 Developing
the "No to Violence Against The Girl-Child" advocacy campaign
(purchase materials, campaign development, web design, launch event fees) $9,700 0 0 $9,700 Salaries
(project administration and coordination cost) $5,500 0 0 $5,500 Conducting
2 Awareness/ Dialogue
sessions for leaders of the 6 villages
this project addresses (purchase of materials, consultant, facilitator, room
rental fees) $500 0 $700 $1,200 TOTAL $25,200 0 $5,700 $30,900 TWO FISCAL YEAR Activity or Type of Expense Contribution by Canada Contribution by Recipient(s) Contribution by others Total Year One Two One Two One Two One Two Final Conducting 6 capacity building sessions for women in
each of the 6 villages this project addresses (purchase of materials, room
rental, accommodation, facilitator fees) $9,500 0 0 0 $5,000 0 $14,500 0 $14,500 Developing the "No to Violence Against The
Girl-Child" advocacy campaign (purchase materials, campaign development,
web design, launch event fees) $9,700 0 0 0 0 0 $9,700 0 $9,700 Salaries (project administration and coordination
cost) $3,500 $2,000 0 0 0 0 $3,500 $2,000 $5,500 Conducting 2 Awareness/ Dialogue sessions for leaders of the 6 villages this project addresses
(purchase of materials, consultant, facilitator, room rental fees) 0 $500 0 0 0 $700 0 $1,200 $1,200 TOTAL $22,700 $2,500 0 0 $5,000 $700 $27,700 $3,200 $30,900