Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee - Volynets Pavel Ivanovich

Volynets Pavel Ivanovich
phone: (+375 162) 21-12-29
carries out management of the socio-cultural complex, information and ideological work, work on the prevention and prevention of offenses and crimes. Coordinates work in the field of social protection of the population and tourism development. Organizes work to fulfill the requirements of Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 27, 2006 No. 2 “On de-bureaucratization of the state apparatus and improving the quality of life support for the population.” Monitors the implementation of state social standards in supervised industries. Coordinates the work of subordinate organizations on issues of prevention and prevention of corruption offenses.
Supervises issues:
- activities of rural executive committees (regarding social policy issues);
- education;
- culture and art;
- physical culture, sports and tourism;
- medical and pharmacy services;
- health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment of the population;
- information activities and media;
- youth policy;
- energy saving and timely payment for energy resources at supervised enterprises;
- protection of historical and cultural monuments;
- state border policy (in terms of working with the population);
- public children's, youth, women's, veterans' organizations;
- political parties and public associations;
- compliance with legislation on religious cults;
- ensuring the exercise of powers provided for by the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus and other acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus during elections, referendums, as well as when organizing discussions of other important issues of local and republican significance;
- labor protection and timely payment of wages in supervised areas;
- international cooperation;
- organizing work to prevent crime, drug addiction, drunkenness and alcoholism;
- coordination of interaction with trade union organizations;
- fulfilling the requirements of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 24, 2006 No. 18 “On additional measures for state protection of children in dysfunctional families.”
Coordinates activities:
- Brest regional organization of the Belarusian public association of veterans;
- Brest regional organization of the public association “Belarusian Society of Disabled Persons”;
- Brest regional organizational structure "DOSAAF";
- Brest regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society;
- public formations of internationalist warriors;
- Brest regional organization of the public association "Belarusian Union of Officers";
- state institution "Brest Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology";
- media of all forms of ownership;
- Department of the Brest Regional Administration of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population in the city of Brest and the Brest region;
- Brest Unitary Enterprise "Central District Pharmacy No. 2" Brest TPRUP "Pharmacy";
- state institution “Center for ensuring the activities of budgetary organizations of the Brest region”;
- institutions “Brest regional physical culture and sports center “Zvezdny”;
- state specialized educational and sports institution "Children and youth sports school "Pribuzhye" of Brest region";
- state environmental institution “Republican Nature Reserve “Pribuzhskoye Polesie” (in matters of organizing tourism activities);
- State institution "Territorial center for social services of the population of the Brest region."
Headed by:
- Coordination Council for the implementation of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 24, 2006 No. 18 “On additional measures for state protection of children in dysfunctional families”;
- coordinating council for ideological work;
- working group on youth work;
- working group to perpetuate the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland and preserve the memory of war victims;
- tourism coordinating council;
- coordinating council for guardianship of persons recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the established procedure;
- Coordination Council for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Brest District;
- Council on Demographic Security in the Brest District;
- Commission on Juvenile Affairs of the Brest District Executive Committee;
- an interdepartmental commission to inspect residential premises for the possibility (impossibility) of moving in orphans, children without parental care, as well as persons from these categories;
- interdepartmental commission on the problems of older people, veterans and people affected by the consequences of wars;
- commission for interdepartmental interaction and control over the implementation of measures to create a barrier-free living environment for people with disabilities and physically weakened persons;
- regional interdepartmental council on problems of disabled people;
- commission for control over catering in educational institutions of the Brest region;
- commission for the provision of targeted social assistance;
- commission for certification of employees of the department of labor, employment and social protection, departments of education, ideological work and youth affairs, the cultural sector of the district executive committee;
- working group for coordinating work with citizens;
- Commission for Assistance to Monitor the Implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations”;
- regional conscription commission;
- District Prevention Council;
- working commission for organizing and coordinating the activities of crime prevention subjects, organizations and public associations to prevent deaths from external causes in the housing stock of the Brest region;
- supervisory commission under the district executive committee.
Interacts with:
- health care institution "Brest Central Polyclinic";
- socio-political organizations, associations, parties, trade unions, societies operating in the region;
- military commissariat of Brest and Brest region and military organizations;
- Brest Regional Children's Center for Medical Rehabilitation "Tomashovka";
- state institution "Domachevsky boarding house for the elderly and disabled";
- state institution "Brest psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled";
- Brest branch of the Republican Unitary Postal Enterprise "Belpochta";
- open joint-stock company “Sanatorium and resort organization “Brestagrozdravnitsa”;
- unitary enterprise "ASB sanatorium Solnechny".
Manages the activities of:
- education department of the district executive committee;
- department of ideological work and youth affairs of the district executive committee;
- Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the District Executive Committee (regarding social protection issues);
- department of organizational and personnel work of the district executive committee (regarding organizational issues);
- Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs of the District Executive Committee;
- chief specialist (supervising sports issues);
- cultural sector.