Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee - Leonid Ivanovich Shlykov

Shlykov Leonid Ivanovich
phone:(+375 162) 21-15-70
manages the industrial complex, issues of transport, trade and services. Provides analysis, development and implementation of a general strategy for the socio-economic development of the region. Monitors the implementation of the requirements of Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 11, 2004 No. 1 “On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline” and dated June 14, 2007 No. 3 “On priority areas for strengthening the economic security of the state.” Coordinates work to implement state social standards in the region. Coordinates the work of subordinate organizations on issues of prevention and prevention of corruption offenses.
Supervises issues:
- reforming and modernizing state organizations and organizations with a state share;
- labor and timely payment of wages in organizations and enterprises of the region;
- regulation of public procurement;
- secondary resources;
- interaction with banks regarding lending to industrial enterprises and investment projects;
- trade and services of all forms of ownership;
- management of state property of enterprises with a state share;
- entrepreneurship and investment activities;
- pricing and money circulation;
- international cooperation;
- fulfillment of social standards for serving the population of the region;
- digital economy.
Coordinates activities:
- Brest District Consumer Society;
- inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus for the Brest region;
- open joint-stock company "Brestraybytservis";
- Brest district department of the Brest regional administration of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus;
- representative offices of the Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Enterprise "Belgosstrakh" in the Brest region and other insurance companies.
Headed by:
- Entrepreneurship Development Council;
- district council for labor and social problems;
- commission for monitoring the implementation of road transport in regular suburban services;
- commission for holding a competition for the right to carry out passenger transportation on a regular basis in the Brest region;
- commission for the prevention of economic insolvency;
- commission for the review and registration of collective agreements (agreements);
- commission for testing knowledge on labor protection issues;
- regional commission on labor protection;
- commission for the development of commercial organizations to consider controversial issues and resolve disagreements that arise during the development, examination and implementation of development forecasts and business plans;
- commission for coordinating public procurement of goods (works, services) from a single source;
- commission for certification of employees of the financial department of the district executive committee;
- a working group to eliminate wage arrears and take measures to ensure its growth in the region.
Interacts with:
- administration of the free economic zone "Brest";
- regional department of branch No. 100 - Brest regional department of JSB "Belarusbank" and branch of OJSC "Belagroprombank" - Brest regional department, institutions of other banks in terms of money circulation;
- Republican subsidiary unitary enterprise for the provision of petroleum products "Belarusneft - Brestoblnefteprodukt";
- production unitary enterprise "Brestvtorchermet";
- unitary enterprise for the provision of services “Brest Branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry”;
- Brest Regional Directorate of the Department of State Labor Inspection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus;
- open joint-stock company "Brestoblavtotrans";
- Republican unitary enterprise "Brest branch of the Belarusian Railway".
Carrying out management of activities:
- Economics Department of the District Executive Committee;
- Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the District Executive Committee (regarding issues of improving the payment system, regulation and labor protection in sectors of the economy, labor relations and employment).