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Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee - Alexey Vyacheslavovich Martysyuk
Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee - Alexey Vyacheslavovich Martysyuk

Martysyuk Alexey Vyacheslavovich
phone: (+375 162) 21-33-95
carries out management of the construction and fuel and energy complexes of the region, road, housing and communal services and communications. Coordinates the activities of state and economic bodies of the region to prevent and eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters. Monitors the implementation of state social standards in supervised industries. Coordinates the work of subordinate organizations on issues of prevention and prevention of corruption offenses.
Supervises issues:
- enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership in the construction sector, construction materials enterprises;
- formation and implementation of energy saving policies;
- enterprises and organizations of energy and communications of all forms of ownership;
- compliance with the requirements of Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 11, 2004 No. 1 “On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline” and dated June 14, 2007 No. 3 “On priority areas for strengthening the economic security of the state” in supervised areas;
- improvement and maintenance of the sanitary condition of the territories of settlements in the region;
- road activities, roadside service infrastructure;
- road safety;
- energy saving and timely payment for energy resources;
- gas supply;
- supplying fuel to area residents;
- state border policy (in terms of infrastructure development work).
Coordinates activities:
- Brest regional department for emergency situations;
- communal unitary intersectoral production enterprise of housing and communal services "Brest Housing and Communal Services";
- subsidiary municipal unitary enterprise for capital construction "UKS Brest region";
- communal unitary design and production architectural and planning enterprise "Archburo of the Brest region";
- mobile mechanized column No. 55 of the unitary enterprise "Brestvodstroy";
- branch of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Brestobldorstroy" Brest DRSU-138;
- branch DEU-21 of RUE "Brestavtodor";
- Brest rural RES branch of RUE "Brestenergo" Brest Electric Networks;
- reforming and modernizing enterprises and organizations of construction, communications, energy, road and housing and communal services.
Headed by:
- Commission for Emergency Situations under the Brest District Executive Committee;
- road safety commission of the Brest region;
- commission to determine the technical condition of buildings;
- an interdepartmental commission to consider issues of recognition of multi-apartment, blocked and single-apartment residential buildings and their adjacent areas, apartments in multi-apartment and blocked residential buildings as not meeting the sanitary and technical requirements established for living;
- a commission for making decisions regarding permanent structures (buildings, structures), isolated premises, parking spaces related to the possibility of further use for their intended purpose, determining and changing their purpose;
- commission for consideration of facts of unauthorized construction;
- commission for reviewing lists for the acquisition of empty and unfinished residential buildings using bank loans;
- public commission on housing issues;
- commission for the distribution of preferential loans for individual housing construction;
- commission to ensure prompt inspection of residential buildings destroyed (damaged) as a result of emergencies, industrial and agricultural crops associated with natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes.
Interacts with:
- the administration of the free economic zone "Brest" regarding the location of enterprises and organizations of the construction complex;
- regional administration of branch No. 100 - Brest regional administration of JSB "Belarusbank" and branch of OJSC "Belagroprombank" - Brest regional administration, institutions of other banks in terms of financing the construction of facilities and the activities of organizations and enterprises of the construction complex;
- intersectoral production management "Brestmezhraigaz";
- municipal unitary enterprise for the design, maintenance, repair and construction of local roads “Brestobldorstroy”;
- state production design and construction unitary enterprise "Association Brestoblselstroy";
- Republican Unitary Enterprise of Highways "Brestavtodor";
- Brest Regional Unitary Enterprise “Housing and Communal Services Administration”;
- communal unitary enterprise "Brest Regional Department of Capital Construction";
- subsidiary republican unitary enterprise “Gosstroyekspertiza in the Brest region”;
- municipal unitary enterprise "Brest Regional Center for Pricing in Construction";
- state enterprise "Brestvodokanal";
- municipal unitary production enterprise "Brest Waste Recycling Plant";
- Brest branch of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Beltelecom";
- construction design organizations.
Manages the activities of:
- Department of Architecture and Construction of the District Executive Committee;
- Department of Housing and Communal Services of the District Executive Committee;
- chief specialist for the protection of state secrets (regarding issues related to emergency situations).