Business manager

Marchuk Igor Viktorovich
phone: (+375 162) 20-56-29
manages the administrative and economic activities of the district executive committee.
Supervises issues:
- monitoring the implementation of the annual work plan of the district executive committee;
- coordination of the work of the apparatus, structural divisions of the district executive committee, rural executive committees on compliance with the Regulations of the district executive committee and internal labor regulations;
- financial and economic activities of the district executive committee;
- the state of office work, legal support, control over the execution of documents, work with appeals and applications of citizens and legal entities in the district executive committee, rural executive committees;
- coordination of the work of structural divisions of the district executive committee on issues of ensuring secrecy and conducting secret office work;
- organization and coordination of work on the protection of personal data;
- informatization and provision of electronic services;
- preparing and holding meetings of the district executive committee, staff meetings with the chairman of the district executive committee;
- organizing the reception of citizens at the district executive committee;
- coordination of activities regarding the functioning of the “one window” service;
- maintenance and protection of district executive committee buildings;
- organizational and economic support for the reception of delegations (foreign, governmental and other government and administrative bodies);
- transport services for the district executive committee apparatus.
Coordinates activities
- State institution "Brest Regional Archive".
Headed by:
- administrative commission;
- commission for health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment of employees of the district executive committee and the Brest regional Council of Deputies;
- commission for certification of business managers and specialists of village executive committees;
- commission for assigning qualification categories to employees providing activities and technical services to the district executive committee;
- expert commission.
Interacts with:
- notary office of the Brest region;
- state institution "Brest State Regional Archive".
Manages the activities of:
- department of legal and work with appeals from citizens and legal entities of the district executive committee;
- accounting and reporting groups of the district executive committee;
- registry office department of the district executive committee;
- departments for ensuring the activities and technical maintenance of the district executive committee;
- "one window" services.